Feel Good Friday: Speechless

{Start your weekend off right with Feel Good Friday!  Choose your prompt and link up.}


My Feel Good Friday has really been put to the test this week considering the amount of pain I have been in due to hurting my back.  The simplest of things I have been unable to do and it has been frustrating to say the least.  Sitting, sleeping, and getting dressed to name a few.


Originally I had planned to tell you that I “felt good” simply because I haven’t succumbed to watching Jersey Shore…yet.


Then as I was sitting here at the dinner table tonight talking to Tyler about how I was worried if I could even be at the computer and get out a Feel Good Friday post, let alone get ready for next week, do you know what he said?


“You just get comfortable and dictate to me.  I will do it for you.”


And he wasn’t just talking about my Feel Good Friday post.  He said he would do it for as long as I couldn’t blog by myself.


I know!  My mouth fell to the ground too.


What more can I say?  I am speechless.


With Tyler as my husband and best friend how can I not feel good?  It’s a Feel Good Life.


Would your husband blog for you if you were unable?  Would you want him to? 

37 responses to “Feel Good Friday: Speechless

  1. That.is.AWESOME! You’re so lucky to have a kind, understanding, loving husband.
    I don’t have one at all, so I can’t answer your question.

  2. What a great guy! Take good care of him. Hope you are better soon.

  3. Oh boy – I’ve totally been there with the back thing. It can be tough, and movements that you usually take for granted, now cause major pain.

    rest it, ice it, heat pad it….possibly go to the doctor??? ibuprofen should help the inflammation, (take with food). Have you gone to the doc?

    Hope it passes soon!

    • I am taking Tylenol and motrin. I haven’t been to the doctor. Tyler has hurt his back enough time to know that they just give you a muscle relaxer and I can’t take that. It always knocks Tyler out and since I am the only one here to watch Sarah, so I need to be awake.

      I felt better on Tuesady and then I folded clothes. I didn’t lift anything but the simple act of leaning over sent me into spasms all day Wednesday :-(. I am better now, but I feel it. I am not good at doing nothing, but I guess I need to be so I can heal. Opening the silverware drawer hurts or just getting a cup of coffee, but at least I am not spasming like before. That was awful!!!!

      • I can’t take muscle relaxers either, because I get very mean with them. Belligerent, mean and soooo sarcastic. But a benefit of seen a doctor is possible physical therapy (might feel good) and a prescription for pain meds if the ibuprofen isn’t working enough. But one of the main things when you hurt your back – listen carefully here—DO NOT DO ANY HOUSEWORK

        NO BENDING , ESPECIALLY NO BENDING WITH LIFTING (you’re re-injuring when you do this)

        use ice and heat –

        REST!!! Lay on the couch and read with the kids. let the kids hand you stuff. I have no problem getting my toddler grandchildren to hand me things when I can’t bend over…..Your husband will care enough to take over things you can’t do temporarily – and if not, it will wait.

        Let your mom help – (remember when you wanted to help your mom?)


        You’ll get better faster if you take it easy on yourself. 🙂

  4. My husband might, but not on the really long ones. He would rather write the post himself and that could be very scary.

    And alas, last weekend I succumbed to all things Jersey. We went away for a beach weekend and while in the hotel, the girls had it on. I sat down on the couch and was riveted. It’s everything everyone says. It’s so bad, you can’t look away.

    Feel better soon!

  5. I think Randy would blog for me if I asked him to (and if he had the time). I certainly wouldn’t feel uncomfortable letting him – he does read the blog. That was super sweet of Tyler to offer that – did he write up this particular post?

    Oh and I have not watched Jersey Shore and I don’t plan to.

    I hope you get to feeling better… good luck!

  6. What an awesome hubs! I’ve not watched Jersey shore either…don’t have much interest in that. 🙂 Feel better soon!

  7. I don’t think he’d type as I talk. Tyler is a great guy! I hope your back is feeling better soon. I had to ban myself from picking Julia up over a year ago. I was throwing my shoulder out all of the time.

  8. Tyler is so sweet! Try alternating heat and ice on your back, and see if your doctor will call you in some Lidoderm patches if you don’t already have them. They really help and don’t make you sleepy. I’ve been dealing with constant back and neck pain for about two years now, so I know how frustrated you’re feeling. Hang in there!!

  9. Tyler, you rock!! Um, do you have a brother? heh heh heh

    Oh, do it, watch Jersey Shore. It’s sadly hysterical. I know this is terrible but when the “Situation” talks about grenades and having a “Grenade Free America” I just about die laughing. I think it’s the way he says it. Of course I feel terrible about those girls because here they are on National tv being called names. I know, I’m a bad person for watching that junk. =)

  10. Very sweet!!

    Yes, I think my hubs would totally offer to blog for me. And yes, I’d let him. Dictated or even as a guest blogger (we’d be collaborating anyway).

  11. We are both lucky to have great husbands. When I was hospitalized after my van accident, my hubby continued to work, farmed out the kids and slept on a cot in my hospital room or in the waiting room all but 2 of the 75 days I was there. I won’t bore you with the rehab. Now with my right side paralyzed he has to do everything around the house, with the help of the kids now that they are older. I help fold laundry and supervise but it is all on his shoulders, plus he mails my books, takes my shopping for my giveaways, and anything else that needs to be done.

    I hope you feel better soon and give Tyler a hug for me, all women are not as lucky as us to have such wonderful husbands. We are truly blessed.


  12. Aww…what a great guy!! You are a lucky girl!

    I’m guessing my husband would blog for me if I couldn’t, but it would not be without spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors!!

  13. Man, what an awesome husband you have!!
    I think my boyfriend would do the same! 😉

  14. Aw — what a great guy!

  15. I am sorry you are feeling so bad! Speedy recovery!

    Tyler is so sweet! And, no, my husband would not blog for me and I don’t think I’d want him to!

    Have a good weekend!

  16. That is too sweet. I’m glad he’s going to help you out! I’m not married…just have a 14 yr old son…I would probably not ask him to type my blog for me, because it would most likely all come out in text lingo…that wouldn’t be good!

    Feel better soon!

  17. I think k-ster would do a very happy dance if I couldn’t blog and under no circumstances would he volunteer to be my typist. And it just wouldn’t be the same. I talk too fast, I worry about spelling and grammar, he’d just throw the computer at me.

  18. This blows me away. What a wonderfully sweet, loving, caring and self-less man. I’d like to think mine would, but I guess until a situation like that occurs, I won’t know.

    I hope you feel better soon. Sending healing thoughts and hugs.

  19. I so feel for you. I’ve thrown my back out once, years ago. Whew, not fun. Good news is after it healed and I retrained my muscles it hasn’t happened again.

    Tyler is great! What a blessing.

    My husband would too. He loves anything creative, blogging included.

  20. What a great guy you have there!! Jersey Shore? I have a friend that calls that show the s*** show. If he watches it and gets a headache than I know that I don’t want to watch it! STAY AWAY, STAY FAR AWAY!! LOL

    Get better soon!

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  22. I’m so sorry your back is still hurting! I hope you get well soon.

    A high school friend has had similar back trouble this week, and I saw on FB that a NP friend recommended the following: “Try 2-3 Advil, apply icy hot to your upper back/neck, then a heating pad over it and one 25mg Benadryl to knock you out….until you can get some muscle relaxers from your provider’s office!” So maybe you can try the first part?

    Tyler is FABULOUS!! I’m so happy you have such a great husband. Congratulations on such a great find!

    Would your husband blog for you if you were unable?
    I’m sure he would, because he’s spectacular about helping me out. Like, last night after 9 p.m. he drove 30 minutes out of his way, after work, in the complete opposite direction from home, to pick me up from my new writing workshop that was in a not-so-great part of the city. He’s the BEST!

    Would you want him to?
    Probably not. I’m terrible about asking for favors because I feel so guilty. The fabulous things he does are generally because he OFFERS to help.

  23. Great husband, lucky wife! Hope you feel better soon!

    HRH Mommy

  24. The Daver TOTALLY would blog for me if I needed him to. For sure.

  25. Just found your blog and I love it! Too bad it’s Saturday and I can’t do a ‘Feel Good Friday’. Hopefully next Friday doesn’t take too long in getting here!!

    – CurlyJ @ http://www.runningfromcupcakes.com

  26. If I told him it was important to me, he would do it in a heartbeat. Would I want him to? Probably not.

  27. That Tyler is a keeper.
    I don’t think my hubby would blog for me, bur he has surprised me a few times and come through in major ways. I would want my hubby to do it if he took dictation, he would probably inject his own inimitable style however.
    Get well soon,

  28. I hope you feel better! How sweet of your husband to blog for you:) I don’t know if I would want my husband to blog for me, even if he would!

  29. Tyler is awesome. Seriously. Way to go Tyler!!

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