Now Available on VHS

The Cookie Incident

Mom always made Christmas cookies all in one day. There would be 8 kinds and she would make and bake in the same day. Some years she would bake until 2 AM.

I got to stir. Woo Hoo.

One infamous night of Holiday baking we broke out the wine, put on some Madonna and got out the videocamera.

I have absolutely no idea what possessed us to film ourselves baking cookies, singing and drinking, but we did.  FYI it will never be on YouTube. Ever.

We sing. We bake. We drink.

We sing louder. We dance. We bake. We drink more.

We pulled out a batch of cookies and they are awful.

We drink. We scratch our heads.

Ah Ha!

We pop in the tape and watch us baking on TV to see what we did wrong.

Apparently, we got so caught up in singing Madonna’s “Borderline,” we missed adding 1 cup of flour and the baking soda.

It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

One Halloween, I was 15 and mom said that she had a present to give me if I would do one little thing for her.


I am a sucker for gifts.

I had to sit on our backyard in a pile of leaves cradling a pumpkin and say that I believed in The Great Pumpkin… while she filmed it.

You know what? I totally understand the Menendez Brothers.

38 responses to “Now Available on VHS

  1. Why did your mom want you to do that? Just to be amusing? Either way, it is highly amusing.And the cooking while drinking? Sounds awesome! I hope you still have the video, because it is priceless!

  2. Drinking and baking can be a lethal combination. Drinking, baking and dancing and singing to Madonna is a nuclear explosion just waiting to happen. You're lucky nothing caught fire with that sort of sizzlin fun!I'd love to see that tape! You could auction it off and probably make some major cash. The Menendez Brothers! Ha!!! I hope that gift was a good one. And whatever became of THAT terrific film. Did she use it for blackmail? You know, "if you're not home by curfew, your friends will see the tape!" kind of thing.

  3. Love the memories! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Good to be back! And you have given me the first laugh of the day! I have some embarrassing VHS tapes somewhere, too. Of me dirty dancing at my brothers wedding…ugh. What was I thinking? Your mom sounds like my kind of friend!

  5. The Girl Next Door Grows Up

    Melissa, My mom loves Charlie Brown and we had just watched The Great Pumpkin the night before and that had inspired her!Rae!!! I am happy you are back too!!!!!

  6. Mom of the Perpetually Grounded

    The Great Pumpkin! I wish I had thought of doing that to my kids….

  7. Eternal Lizdom

    So the drinking and baking and dancing won't be part of the Vlog?? Darn!The Great Pumpkin thing- HILARIOUS! Just think…. the possibilities of what you can do to your own kids as turnabout…. the possibilities are ENDLESS!

  8. I wish I had been there for cookie night. My sister and I had a cream cheese fight one year while prepping for Thanksgiving. It didn't go over great but we cleaned it up and had a great time overall.

  9. Katie's Dailies

    That makes me think of the time I was teaching my son how to bake a pumpkin pie (the kid loves that stuff—that's his birthday "cake" every year. Strange kid….). We had gotten it all made and in the oven when we discovered that we had left out the egg! So, now every year I ask him "should we make it WITH the egg or withOUT the egg?" : )And I've got some great videos and photos I can use as blackmail for my kids if they ever get on my bad side! Happy Tuesday!

  10. Now I have Borderline stuck in my head 😉

  11. Oh goodness, you have me laughing out loud! So funny! Have a great day!

  12. Who doesn't believe in the great pumpkin? We should all have are cooking disasters on film so we can go back and figure out just what went wrong.

  13. Michelle @ Flying Giggles

    LOL! Borderline, feels like I'm going to lose my mindYou just keep on pushing my love over the borderline!It sounds like you guys had a blast! I have similar stories, but rather than baking cookies we were making tamales!

  14. The Chicken's Consigliere

    Once again, I want to come play at GND house with her and her Mom. Do you remember the scene in Practical Magic where the aunts wake up the nieces in the middle of the night for Midnight Margaritas and they all dance around to "Lime in the Coconut song"? This kinda reminds me of that.

  15. Now that is a video I would love to see.

  16. Wow! From now on I'm pretty sure that's the only way I'll bake cookies! And that video sounds amazing! I guess you got your sense of humor honestly!

  17. Blast from the Past

    OK – so glad I found your site (Thx to a link from 4th Grade Nothing).I now remember that my mom did the majority of all holiday baking on one day. Being a little boy in my traditional role, I was not as involved as my sisters, but I remember the day well – especially as an opportunity to home my stealth skills of cookie snatching.The big thing for us was making sure we took turns on who got to lick the beaters when she made icing/frosting, etc. We always hoped that she wouldn't spin them quite so long at the end to ge the frosting off… more fir us to lick.Good times!

  18. Much More Than Mommy

    HAHAHAHAH! And WHY weren't those videos converted to DVD and then shared here??? 😀

  19. Shame, shame, TINA! That's horrible! I can't believe she tricked you like that, plus filmed it, too.

  20. My mother and I drank pitchers of margaritas and frosted my hair (that was already pretty blonde!) on New Year's Eve day my Sr. year…Thank goodness we did not own a video camera.

  21. Now how can you describe those videos and not show them? That's just mean.

  22. The Drama Mama

    Oooooooooooooooooohhh. Thanks for the idea!! DO you think I could dress Scooby up as the pumpkin and let Jellybean hold him as she cries "I Believe in the Great Pumpkin!!"?? At least your mom never used it as blackmail. Or did she?

  23. Hi! It's been a while since I stopped by. I'm soooo sorry!!!I love pulling out our Flip camcorder when I get drunk. The good thing is that it's so easy to delete videos when they're digital.

  24. Forgot to mention I moved to WP!

  25. Doesn't everybody believe in the Great Pumpkin? I'd be filmed for a gift, too.

  26. Your mom is a crack-up and you are hilarious because you go along with it all!

  27. Holy crap no way!!! So laughing at the cookie story, I think Borderline can well make ya borderline!!! Um I believe in the Great Pumpkin!

  28. You are so funny! Thanks for the chuckle!Recent Madonna or Flashback-to-the-80's Madonna? How long ago was that? Just curious.

  29. The Girl Next Door Grows Up

    I was probably 22-24 so it was around 14 years ago!

  30. I have a few questions for you:Did ya' get a gift or not?Is there such a thing as the Great Pumpkin? (LOL-couldn't resist)And why can't we see you boogieing down on your blog? We will never tell… 🙂

  31. You gals sure do have a lot of fun together. How can you admit that video exists and NOT show us at least a brief glimpse? Sounds like a riot.

  32. Loved both stories! Sounds like you and your mom had a lot of fun together 🙂

  33. Pwahahahaha… Maybe you should have thrown a little alcohol into the cookies, then no-one would have even noticed their awfulness.

  34. Dang, the only alcohol my mother ever drank was in some Nyquil! (before she found out it contained alcohol) We totally missed out.

  35. We converted all of our family VHS and put them on two DVDs. Precious moments like that preserved forever – digital and ready for UTube.Someday you might see me looking at a big mushroom and crying out, "hot dang, look at that thang." I know you look forward to that.


    Did you guys have a flimsy Christmas tree too?Did she ever set up a football and tell you to kick it? Then at the very last moment, move the football, sending you flailing?Does she charge 5 cents for 'Psychiatric Help'?

  37. I'm somewhat confused and speechless about the pumpkin. I laughed right out loud about you watching the tape to figure out what you did wrong when you made the cookies!!:) Will your vlog have clips of this tape? That would be awesome!

  38. Wendy @RunningonMTT

    LOL — I need to put my smoothie down while reading your blog OMG. I know sometimes people usually put the LOL out of habit but I can honestly say I LOL at your Mendenez Comment.You are too funny!

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